Administrators and users

Planivore's administrators and users collaborate to ensure security and optimize the management of strategic projects through an intuitive platform.


Why is managing administrators and users important?

Control and Security

Planivore administrators have access to a robust admin console to manage key configurations, including the full list of users and other administrators. This centralized control ensures the security and integrity of your data and processes.

Optimized Collaboration

Each Planivore user, acting as a collaborator, can be designated as a stakeholder in various elements of strategic plans. This feature enhances collaboration and improves transparency by allowing for clear tracking of contributions and responsibilities.


How do administrators and users work on Planivore?

Role and Permission Management

Planivore allows administrators to assign specific roles and detailed permissions, controlling who can view, modify, or delete certain information. This hierarchy of access ensures that sensitive information is well protected and that essential features are accessible to the right individuals.

Authentication and Access

Users can access Planivore using their email and password or through a secure SSO (Single Sign-On) connection with Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Directory). This secure login option not only protects data but also simplifies the access process for all users.


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