Achieving Strategic Vision through the Goal Tree Method


The goal tree method is a technique used to organize goals and facilitate understanding of the steps to be taken in order to achieve strategic vision. It involves breaking down a overall goal into specific, easily attainable goals. Each of these goals is then divided into sub-goals represented by a series of concrete actions, tactics that can be undertaken to achieve the ultimate goal. This method makes goals clearer and easier to achieve by identifying the necessary steps to achieve them. Now let's look at a concrete example of a company using the goal tree method.

Goal Tree: Concrete Example

Let's take the example of a company that wants to increase its total sales by 10% for the next two years. To achieve this goal, the company could use the goal tree method to break down this SMART goal into specific goals.

To increase sales by 10%, the company can set the following goals:

1. Increase in-store visit rate by 5%.

2. Increase online sales by 15%.

3. Increase reach on social media by 10%.

Each of these goals can then be broken down into specific sub-goals:

To increase in-store visit rate by 5%, the company can adopt the following tactics:

  • Offer in-store discounts.
  • Launch pop-up shops to create excitement.
  • Launch contests on different social media platforms.

To increase online sales by 15%, the company can set the following goals:

  • Reactivate abandoned shopping carts through email.
  • Offer fast delivery options.
  • Increase website visibility on search engines (SEO).

To increase reach on social media by 10%, the company can set the following goals:

  • Partner with influencers.
  • Share consistent content on different platforms.
  • Interact with subscribers.


What is a SMART goal?

The SMART acronym defines criteria that allow organizations to establish their goals as clearly as possible. This method allows organizations to determine the direction to take based on overall strategy. Here is the meaning of each letter:

  • Specific: Clearly defined and precise.
  • Measurable: Quantifiable for tracking.
  • Achievable: Accessible according to the organization's available resources.
  • Relevant: Pertinent and consistent with overall strategy.
  • Time-bound: Having a specific deadline.

Why is the goal tree method useful?

The goal tree method is particularly beneficial for facilitating your understanding of the goals to be achieved in accordance with your strategic vision. It allows for breaking down overall goals into more specific and measurable goals, which makes planning and implementing the actions necessary to achieve these goals easier. This method is also useful for organizing and prioritizing the goals of a strategic plan or a work plan. It provides a clear visualization of the relationship between different goals, in order to achieve the ultimate goal of the organization.

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